For investment activity in Greece

Greece, a full EU Member State, scores high on all ma- jor factors taken into con-

sideration when choosing a new country for relocating, such as quality of life, regulated environment, secure living conditions in urban and rural areas, access to efficient services, residence privileges for family members, free- dom to travel, among others. Despite its small size, Greece features a particularly diverse nat- ural environment, providing many recreational opportunities. This, combined with a spirited lifestyle blending both ancient and modern Mediterranean culture, makes Greece a sim- ply extraordinary place to be – and a wonderful place to call home.

Greece offers a wide variety of international educational op- tions for expatriates, from pre-schools to universities – es- pecially for students seeking studies in English, French, and German. Many high schools offer the International Bacca- laureate (IB) program and have a good track record in plac- ing students at prestigious universities, both in Greece and abroad. At the same time, many international universities offer unique educational programs in Greece for undergrad- uates and graduates alike.

Education has long been recognized as the most valuable asset to advancement and many students achieve high aca- demic and professional success in Greece as well as abroad in various sectors, including medicine, science, new technol- ogies, economics and law. Greece’s “intellectual capital” will continue to be a strong national asset and investors who are seeking special skills will have a host of competitive advan- tages when choosing Greece as an investment location.

Tourism is one of the main pillars of the Greek economy and is con- sidered by many analysts to be an “export champion” for Greece. Ac- cording to the latest World Econom- ic Forum 2015 Travel and Tourism

Report, Greece is ranked 31st among 141 countries in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index. Greece possesses unique characteristics (climate, nature, history, culture, gastronomy, etc.) that offer a globally competitive tourism product. The gaps that exist between the de- mand and supply of tourist services provide significant opportunities in many subsectors of the Greek tourism market (luxury resorts, tourist accommodation, marinas, city breaks, golf tourism, heath tourism, etc.). Additional- ly, new laws focusing on the development of strategic in- vestments provide significant room for new investments in the sector.

Who is Eligible For A Golden Visa In Greece?

The Greek Golden Visa covers the investor, the spouse, unmarried dependent children up to the age of 24 and the dependent parents of both spouses. The permit has unlimited validity as long as the buyer is in possession of the asset and is renewed every 5 years by presenting the property’s title deed to the authority.